On rotation at Swedish Radio P2 Världen
Happy to hear that SR P2 Världen is playing “I’m Gonna Dance”. Here presented in the great World Music show Klingan: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/814877?programid=4433
Happy to hear that SR P2 Världen is playing “I’m Gonna Dance”. Here presented in the great World Music show Klingan: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/814877?programid=4433
Little by little showing some of the hard work done in Argentina thanx to the support of the Swedish arts commitee (kontsnärsnämnden). Here comes a preview of the co-work with one of my favourite artists Kevin Johansen, at Machete studios, with Matias Laney.
Listen to the concert and the interview at Kulturoasen-Uppsala last January the 24th!